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About the Reading Foundation

Inspired by leading-edge research in the field of reading Dr. Steve Truch, a well-known learning specialist with extensive experience as both a school teacher and school psychologist, opened the Calgary location of The Reading Foundation in 1990. Armed with knowledge, experience, and the most up-to-date reading research, Dr. Truch began delivering one-to-one remedial therapy to students with reading difficulties.

The positive results were immediately evident. The Reading Foundation, the first clinic of its kind to open in Canada, opened its second location in Vancouver in 1994, a third in 2016 in Toronto, and now our first ever US location in Los Angeles, opening in the fall of 2024! With four locations and programming that stretches well beyond reading, many thousands of happy clients have benefitted from our unique approach.

The Reading Foundation Team

Our team of caring educators is carefully selected for a unique combination of attributes and an exceptional ability to work with students. Qualities of patience, flexibility, and compassion are valued and nurtured at all of our clinics. All of our highly qualified staff members undergo extensive training and mentoring in The Reading Foundation’s clinical programs before working with clients.

All work is done in a one-to-one setting. A team effort guides our individualized approach, ensuring hourly program continuity, an adaptive pace and ultimately, a genuine sense of success for the student.

Our Programming

Our clinics in Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto, have long specialized in the assessment and treatment of learning difficulties through intensive remediation. Internally designed, research-based programs address reading as well as spelling, math, comprehension, and writing.

In response to demands in the community we also deliver enrichment programs to students of all ages, and early learning reading and math programs to small groups of preschoolers and kindergarten-aged children. In our continued effort to provide service to students of all ages and abilities, we also offer programming suitable for English Language Learners.

The Latest in Learning and Enrichment Practices

At The Reading Foundation, we are committed to offering students the best and latest in intervention, early learning and enrichment practices. Over the years, our programs have expanded to serve a diverse population of learners and continue to evolve in response to students’ needs as well as the latest research findings. The Reading Foundation’s dynamic and individualized approach guides students to reach their highest educational potential. We continue to be sought out by clients of all ages: parents of young children to teenagers, and adults of any age.

The many benefits of our educational programming are reported in numerous studies but reach far beyond quantitative improvements in students’ standard scores and grade levels. Parents and students alike report lasting gains in confidence and self-esteem— encouraging side effects of an already positive experience that provides new hope to all of our clients. One of the most rewarding aspects of the work we do has been to see students walk out of The Reading Foundation with a passion for learning.

Our Unique Approach and Delivery

Our students receive an experience that is more educational therapy than tutoring thanks to our unique approach and delivery. Unlike traditional tutors, our clinicians deliver intentionally developed and customizable programming. In this way, we are best able to address the underlying processes affecting a student’s reading, spelling, comprehension, writing and math.

The flexibility of both our programs and our business hours allows for students to attend on either an intensive basis—between four and six hours a day, five days a week—or on a part-time basis during, or outside of, school hours. We can adapt programming to fulfill the recommendations of the initial assessment and to suit your schedule.

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Inspire Your Student to Achieve Their Highest Learning Potential!