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The Reading Foundation Enrolment Information

Enrolment Process | Assessment | Scheduling | Cost | FAQs

Our Enrolment Process

1. Get in Touch

It all starts with a conversation. Who we are, what we do, how we can help your child, particularly with our specialized remedial programs. We’ll answer your questions.

2. Initial Assessment

Our In-Depth Learning Assessment helps determine a student's needs and enables us to tailor and individualize our programs accordingly. This can be done in-person or virtually.

3. Meet with Director

Once the Initial Assessment is complete, you will book a time to meet with one of our Directors to discuss results and recommendations for your child (in-person or virtually).

4. Written Report

The written report summarizes all results and recommendations from both the Initial Assessment and the meeting with a Director.

5. Start Program

Depending on their needs and the assessment findings, students are then scheduled to attend for the total number of recommended hours for the program and the recommended hours for each week. (A deposit is taken at this time to hold your child’s schedule.)

6. Progress Updates

The progress of each student is closely monitored by a Team Leader. In addition to individualizing programming and communicating with a team of clinicians, the Team Leader provides progress updates either in a face-to-face meeting or via phone or email about every 20 hours of instruction.

7. Observation

Towards the end of a student’s time at The Reading Foundation parents are invited to schedule an hour to observe their child at work with our clinicians. Parents can see the program in action and learn how the strategies are applied. We also welcome teachers to make an appointment to observe their students.

8. Post Assessment

After the student has completed their recommended programming, they are then re-assessed to measure their gains.

9. Post Assessment Meeting

As with the initial assessment, a meeting follows the Post Assessment to discuss the results and recommendations for the future, as well as to review the student's journal of completed work and strategies.

10. Written Report

Following the Post Assessment meeting you are provided with a written report which summarizes the results.

11. Ongoing Support

Ongoing needs for each student varies greatly. Once your child completes the recommended hours, your child’s future needs become more apparent. Upon program completion at The Reading Foundation, the ongoing needs of students tend to vary greatly. Some students need very little because of strong gains. Some may start another program while others may attend weekly for enrichment, homework application and/or program maintenance. Enrichment hours are available to those students whose difficulties have been addressed but who require ongoing and supportive programming to sustain their gains over time.

In-Depth Learning Assessment

Every student wishing to attend The Reading Foundation must complete an In-Depth Learning Assessment with one of our Assessors, which:

  • Provides a complete picture of a student’s academic needs based upon our battery of both standardized and internal tests
  • Guides our selection of the program which best meets the needs of the individual student
  • Determines how long a student needs to spend working in each program
  • Serves as a baseline from which to gauge future growth
The Assessment:
  • Establishes the student’s potential for reading and academics by measuring oral vocabulary
  • Assesses all levels of the reading process, starting at the phonological level
  • Tests both reading and listening comprehension (as well as math and written language if there are concerns in these areas)
  • Can be done in-person or virtually
  • Usually requires about one-and-one-half hours, depending on the age of the student and the tests being administered

Results and recommendations are presented in a meeting following the initial assessment, where we provide a written report which summarizes these findings and recommendations.

woman working with a child with writing skills in Canada


Morning Sessions

In-Person: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Virtual: 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.; 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Afternoon Sessions

In-Person: 12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Virtual: 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.; 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

After-School Sessions (Monday to Friday)

In-Person: 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Virtual: 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

We recommend booking well in advance for Friday afternoons, school holidays (including summer break), school professional development days and Saturdays.


Questions about The Reading Foundation’s unique programs and approach? We have answers!

Who can you help?

Our intensive programs are of benefit to students of all ages and abilities. Every day we help students from as young as four through to adult reach their learning potential.

What programs do you offer?

We offer research-based and internally designed remedial programs which address reading, spelling, math, comprehension and writing difficulties. In response to community demands, we also offer early learning reading and math programs to preschoolers, enrichment programs for returning students or students looking for an extra boost, as well as programs for English Language Learners.

Is an assessment really necessary?

Yes. Our In-Depth Learning Assessment provides a complete picture of a student’s academic needs. Our battery of standardized and informal tests allows us to select and customize programs to best meet the needs of each individual student. The assessment also serves as a baseline from which to gauge future growth. Results and recommendations are presented in a meeting directly following the assessment.

What if we have already had a Psycho-Educational Assessment done?

You will still need to book an In-Depth Learning Assessment which includes both standardized and informal tests not included in a Psycho-Educational Assessment. We welcome you to bring a copy of your Psycho-Educational Assessment along to your appointment as it does provide useful information.

How many hours do students usually attend The Reading Foundation?

Following the model built in our Calgary and Vancouver clinics, we usually recommend a minimum of 100 hours of personalized one-to-one instruction, but average attendance is between 100 and 160 hours per program. Students typically attend for four hours a day, five days a week allowing them to make strong and sustainable gains in their programs.

Is four hours a day too intense?

We know that four hours a day, five days a week sounds like a lot but students quickly become accustomed to our immersive approach. Students work with a different clinician every hour which keeps things interesting. Within each hour the activities are engaging and move quickly. The success of our programming is due in large part to its intensive nature. Students and parents alike see changes quickly.

Who will be working with my child?

Your child will be working one-to-one with our highly qualified and caring educators who have undergone extensive training and mentoring in The Reading Foundation’s clinical programs. Qualities of patience, flexibility, and compassion are valued and nurtured at all of our clinics.

Will I be kept informed of my child’s progress?

Absolutely. The progress of each of our students is monitored closely by a team leader which helps to ensure hourly program continuity and an adaptive pace. Your child’s team leader will provide parents/guardians with an update following approximately every 20 hours of clinical work.

How do your services differ from tutoring?

Our students receive an experience that is more educational therapy than tutoring thanks to our research-based, intentionally developed programs. Our dynamic and individualized approach guides students to reach their highest education potential.

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Inspire Your Student to Achieve Their Highest Learning Potential!