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Meet the Toronto Team


Executive Director (All Clinics)

Kama brings endless energy and enthusiasm to her role as Executive Director for The Reading Foundation. Within the clinic, she can be found doing assessments, working with students and developing our remedial programs. Her work can take her out of the clinic and into schools where she facilitates transitions for students who have completed The Reading Foundation’s programs.

Kama is passionate in all areas of her work and motivates everyone with whom she collaborates. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Psychology from the University of Calgary and has been with The Reading Foundation since 1991.

Outside of work, Kama enjoys culinary adventures and is an expert restaurant recommender. She is also an architecture/interior design enthusiast and is well-versed in Lego thanks to her lovely son.




As Director of the Toronto clinic, Darian’s big-picture perspective paired with her analytical nature enables her to pass along her intuitive insight to Team Leaders while supporting the students in their learning journey. Darian’s experience following families from the assessment through to the end of their programming makes her a strong point of communication and support during what can be a time of uncertainty.

Darian joined The Reading Foundation as a clinician in 2012 while completing her Bachelor of Arts in Speech Sciences at the University of British Columbia. While life led her to Toronto a few years later, Darian found herself helping to open the Toronto clinic’s doors in 2016 and has continued to propel its growth ever since. When she isn’t at work, Darian can be found embracing the ever-changing dynamics of raising a growing, curious toddler, tending to their 100-year-old home and spending time with friends and family.



Assistant Director

Yasmin originally joined The Reading Foundation in Calgary in 2014. There, she grew her role as clinician into Team Leader, monitoring and individualizing the programs of her students. In 2017, Yasmin traded in the Rocky Mountains for Lake Ontario, moving to and joining our Toronto team. Since moving to Toronto, Yasmin, our Assistant Director, has helped with hiring, training, staff development, assessments and Team Leader supervision. Often one of the first faces students work with, Yasmin takes time to establish a strong rapport and disarm any bubbling anxiety. She especially loves the facets of her roles that allow her to connect deeply with the staff, students, and parents alike, helping them to problem-solve and empower themselves. Yasmin holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and Psychology with Honours from the University of Calgary. In her spare time, Yasmin can be found painting, cracking jokes, and trying to convince you to watch a scary movie.



Administrative Manager

Tina joined The Reading Foundation in 2017 after returning to Ontario. While working in the Alberta public school system, Tina collaborated with The Reading Foundation through coordinating a pilot project that facilitated the delivery of our specialized programs in schools.
Tina works as both our Administrative Manager and an Educational Clinician in the Toronto office. Tina's superior skills in communication and coordination make her ideally suited for the Administrative Manager role, ensuring the smooth operations of our Toronto office. With her enthusiasm and love for education, Tina guides all learners to reach their fullest learning potential and academic success.
When not at work, Tina loves to play golf, travel to warm climates, read in her pajamas, and garden with varying success!


Team Leader

Sophary brings an abundance of patience and fun to every clinical hour. She can easily understand and adapt to the personal needs of others, ensuring that every person receives the most out of their time at the clinic.

Sophary is passionate about animals (especially cats). Say hi to Nala, Cosmic, and Charlie. When she’s not at work, you can find Sophary dining at the latest (and coolest) vegetarian restaurants. A huge fan of the Raptors, and a great addition to any team.


Team Leader

Pardies is an enthusiastic and dedicated team leader who fosters deep connections with her students and their families. As a passionate educator, she truly cares about her students and is able to effectively adapt her teaching style to the unique needs of each student. With her great intuition, she makes personalized adjustments to students’ programs to ensure they achieve their full potential. She also brings a wealth of patience, boundless energy, and genuine empathy to her work.

In her spare time, she's either on the tennis court or skiing, but her true passion is getting lost in her favorite books.


Team Leader

Devin brings a bubbly energy to the Toronto Team as a Team Leader. Believing strongly in his students, he tailors individual programs to allow their full potential to manifest, while also fostering an environment where they can believe in themselves. Through strong rapport, Devin helps build confidence while empowering curiosity, discovery, teamwork, and a love of learning.

Outside of the Reading Foundation, Devin is an avid lover of language and travel. He can be found reading a classic (in the original, of course) all around the globe.

Want to join our team in Toronto? Check out our career opportunities!

Toronto Contact

124 Merton Street, Suite 101
Toronto, ON M4S 2Z2



Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Toronto, ON

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